Novafix Embalagens


Optimum sealing, tear resistance, non-toxic, can maintain contact with food.


It is a line of conventional flexible plastic packaging based on virgin resins, which can be produced by the single layer or multi layer extrusion process. It is designed to condition various products including foodstuffs by protecting and conserving products hygienically. They can be supplied in technical bags or films for automatic packaging and liquid filling. Also known as PE (polyethylene) packaging.

Information on Polyethylenes Used

PEBD = Best mechanical strength 
PEBDL = Better weldability 
PEMD = Medium mechanical strength 
METALOCENO = Best performance in resistance, weldability and finishing

Products that use packaging

Meat, cheese and milk derivatives, fish, shellfish, fresh pasta, pizza, vegetables, milk, dairy drinks, toiletries, sugar, rice, beans and general use.


Supplied in parts (bags) or technical reels for automatic packaging and liquid filling, it can be printed in up to 8 colors. Available in white and transparent options.